A European Register for EU-Projects Designers & Managers
All Register Members will receive an official identification digital card and a profile page in our professional network partners community.
Research directors, researchers first, university role professors (ordinary members). Business executives, entrepreneurs, senior industry experts (with at least ten years of professional experience in the profile or reference category). Professionals, senior expert guidance, training (initial and continuous) and education with at least ten years of professional experience in the profile or reference category.
First level researchers, with at least six years of experience as teachers, leading or managing specific projects in the field. Professionals, experts of vocational training (initial and continuing) and teaching experience with at least six years of experience as teachers, leading or managing projects in the area of interest.
First level junior researchers, with at least three years of experience as teachers, leading or managing specific projects in the field. Professionals, junior experts of vocational training (initial and continuing) and teaching experience with at least three years of experience as teachers, leading or managing projects in the area of interest.
Master degree, graduates, with two years of professional experience and competence in the field.
Master degree, graduates, diploma in the first year of professional experience and competence in the field.
Registration is open
The first composition of the EU-Projects Forum was presented in Amsterdam on May 9th 2012, Europe Day.
Now there are more than 5,000 registered members.
All members of the Register will receive:
- A profile page in a community of professional network partners;
- A news aggregation system that collects all relevant EU news;
- An interactive labor market;
- A partnership search tool and related project book;
- Dedicated discount on the Annual Meeting ticket;

Any Contact interested in joining the EUPF’s “European Register of EU-Projects Dsesigners & Managers” may apply for Membership.
The Membership is individual and not institutional.
Membership runs from 1 January until 31 December. The fee payable for a Membership will be calculated per calendar year (1 January to 31 December of any year) and will be a fixed yearly payable amount, meaning that notwithstanding the fact that a Membership can start at any moment during a calendar year the fee payable will be the same as for a whole calendar year. The Membership fees may be altered from year to year at the sole discretion of the EUPF. For 2021 Membership will be FREE (until August 31st). Starting form September 1st 2021, Membership Fee will be paid from 29 euros per year.
A Member is granted certain benefits: any benefit granted to a Member is a strictly personal license to use the benefit during the term of the Membership. Meaning this license is non-transferable, exclusive, revocable and with no right to grant a sub-license.
Member benefits which can only be accessed by using a code, key or other personal identification token, are provided to a Member for personal use only. Meaning a Member shall at all times refrain from making the aforementioned tool available (actively or passively) in any way to a Non-member. Furthermore a Member shall store, use and dispose of the tool with due care and attention. A Member is fully responsible and liable to the EUPF for any loss or damages resulting from the misuse and/or loss of the tool.
[The EUPF reserves the right to alter, reduce, stop, terminate, end or make a Member cease the use of a Member benefit at any time and at the EUPF’s sole discretion. In accordance with its bylaws and articles of association, the EUPF reserves the right to refuse Membership to a Contact, if the EUPF deems it to be contrary to the interest of the EUPF or its Members to accept the application for Membership].