About Us
The Europe Project Forum is an independent international organization committed to promoting the participation of civil society to achieve the goals of Europe 2021/2027 – EU long-term budget 2021-2027 together with NextGenerationEU, the largest stimulus package ever financed through the EU budget, of €1.8 trillion – valuing the professional role of project designers and managers.
Everyone is needed to achieve the Europe 2020 goals:


Trade Unions and Non-Governmental Organisations

Individual Citizens
The EU.P.F. aimed at creating a valuable network of EU-Projects Designers and Managers, aims to use more effectively the full range of Community policies and instruments to achieve the goals of EU long-term budget 2021-2027 together with NextGenerationEU.
The exchange of good practices, benchmarking and networking – as promoted by several EU governments – has proven useful in creating a sense of ownership and dynamism around the need for reforms.
A European Register for EU-Projects Designers & Manager
Research directors, researchers first, university role professors (ordinary members). Business executives, entrepreneurs, senior industry experts (with at least ten years of professional experience in the profile or reference category). Professionals, senior expert guidance, training (initial and continuous) and education with at least ten years of professional experience in the profile or reference category.
First level researchers, with at least six years of experience as teacher, leading or managing specific projects in the field. Professionals, experts of vocational training (initial and continuing) and teaching experience with at least six years of experience as teacher, leading or managing projects in the area of interest.
First level junior researchers, with at least three years of experience as teachers, leading or managing specific projects in the field. Professionals, junior experts of vocational training (initial and continuing) and teaching experience with at least three years of experience as teachers, leading or managing projects in the area of interest.
Master degree, graduates, with two years of professional experience and competence in the field.
Master degree, graduates, diploma in the first year of professional experience and competence in the field.
All members of the Register will receive:
- A profile page in a community of professional network partners;
- A news aggregation system that collects all relevant EU news;
- An interactive labor market;
- A partnership search tool and related project book;
- An information and event registration system;
- Dedicated discount on the Annual Meeting ticket;

Registration is open
The first composition of the EU-Projects Forum was presented in Amsterdam on May 9th 2012, Europe Day.
Now there are more than 5,000 registered members.